Table of Contents
Confessiones Sancti Augustini (The Confessions Of Saint Augustine)
An incredibly influential autobiography from the great Catholic Theologian Saint Augustine of Hippo. Saint Augustine: born in Northern Africa around the middle of the fifth century A.D. Augustine spent his formative years as a bit of a troubled young man. He had dabbled in manichaeism for some time before his conversion. However once introduced to Saint Ambrose, he found it proper that he tread a different path than the one he had set himself upon in his youth. His mother Saint Monica had always wished the best for Augustine, frequently praying to God for his physical, and spiritual wellbeing. As it turns out her wishes were never in vain. Augustine turned his life around, and eventually became a renown Bishop of the Catholic Church. Augustine was a brilliant man, and is well known for his writings which have greatly influenced the Western World for centuries since his passing. Some may say that he is the most influential Christian figure of all time save for (of course) Christ himself.
Thoughts & Impressions
Although I have not completed this book as of [present day] I have enjoyed what I have managed to read thus far. Augustine’s Confessions are yet another piece of my library which has helped me to understand great minds of the ancient world. I find it to be highly inspiring to be given the opportunity to educate myself on life in ancient society through preserved works from time long passed. Much like the Meditations of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, reading Augustine is a great way to put yourself in the shoes of men belonging to the ancient world. As I have made clear numerous times before, people from antiquity are not all that different from people existing in our modern world. Anyhow, the copy that I am reading is the english translation found in the Britannica: Great Books of The Western World collection. Along side the Confessions it also contains The City of God, and On Christian Doctrine. All excellent literature that I am chomping at the bit to delve into. Reading about history, and especially Christian history, and theology brings a certain joy to my heart. To understand and enjoy this subject at a deeper level, which I had spent much of my youth viewing from a negative perspective is incredibly enlightening. Sometimes it feels like I am taking a walk in Augustine’s shoes.