Table of Contents
After nearly three months I have finally finished reading the Divine Comedy as a whole. This final stretch of the classic epic details Dante’s ascent through the rings of Heaven, guided by the lovely Beatrice. No longer are our protagonists trudging through environments rife with misery and despair. Rather than being subjected to the ghastly scenes within the circles of Hell; and observing the discomfort of those individuals within the terraces of Purgatory. The pair are greeted with incomprehensible divine beauty. That, at many points, Dante admits to being unable to describe with mortal words. Throughout the proceeding rings Dante, and Beatrice speak with a variety of angels, and saints, Christ, and finally God himself. After which Dante is returned to the mortal world.
A very good read. Although it took me a long time to make it through, I enjoyed every piece of this story. I have been aware of The Inferno for quite some time in my youth, but never decided to give the entire epic a read myself until after watching this video by Luke Smith. All in all, the largest book I have read in well over a decade. I am very proud to have finished it, and hope that others will discover, and enjoy it like I have.